Monday, April 27, 2009


     As a generation who grew up with the internet at our sides, I've always wondered what type of technology it would take to "age" us. What new thing will our children rave about that we won't have any comprehension of? Today I got the first feeling of being "aged," and I realized that just one seemingly insignificant internet "phenomena" can do the trick. I speak, of course, of Twitter.
     In the last few weeks, Twitter kept showing up in the most random times in my life. Now, I've been aware of Twitter for a very long time, and for the most part didn't feel the need to make an account solely for the purpose of updating my status. At that time, of course, I had a Facebook and it served that purpose (plus many more) just fine. 
     The alarming part wasn't simply how often Twitter was being mentioned, it was more about the legitimacy of the source. Here are some of the more notable mentions:

Strike 1: April 8th, 2009, Interview for a Technology Consulting firm
     Interviewer: Do you Twitter?
     Me: (blindsided) No, sorry, I don't.
     Interviewer: It's okay, I don't either, the company made me put that question in there.

Strike 2a: Mid-April, 2009
     Online I came across an interview of a notable politician (male, I can't remember the name) who mentions Twitter as one of his main news sources. Also, President Obama's use of Twitter in his campaign, though much earlier, was also surprising.

Strike 2b: April 26, 2009 makes a comic about Twitter. Now this may sound trivial, but I love, and feel a little put down every time I don't understand something they post. I know it's silly, bite me.

Strike 3: April 27, 2009 (today), Starbucks 
     I was enjoying a mid-morning tea and scone at Starbucks, playing Solitaire on my phone and minding my own business. A 50-something lady sitting next to me says something about "I should get to my car, I don't want to get a parking ticket." I wasn't sure why she was telling me this, but I smiled politely at her. A minute later, she looks directly at me, says "I'd rather be talking to myself than be on Twitter," and guffaws loudly. What? Either she thought I was Twittering and ignoring her, or this 50-something lady had a Twitter and I didn't. Either way, I had had enough. 
    So today I joined Twitter. I might not need it or want it, but I shall give it a try. So Twitter me!


Chris Han said...

I am SO disappointed in you.

Kiran said...

In retrospect, I'm a little disappointed in myself as well. But I figure this way, when I say how pointless Twitter is, at least I can be speaking from experience.

Rustin said...

Did you get rid of it?!