Thursday, January 8, 2009

How Many Berkeley Engineers does it take...

to change a tire? Well 4, and in 3 hours.

Of yesterday's trip to Tahoe:

The acme: Seeing Pai slide down a black diamond, on his back, head-first, board still attached, for approximately 1 minute straight. If there was ever a time in my life I wish I had a camera, that was it. I still lose composure every time I think about it.

The nadir: Realization that none of us knew how to change a tire. I mean, you don't understand how low that was. I know, Bioengineers and EECS aren't exactly meant to be mechanics, but definitely realized that book educations can only get you so far if you lack basic know-how.

The legen...wait for it...dary*: Hydroplaning on Highway 88, resulting in a few icy spins on the highway, and ending in the rear end of Atul's 4-runner jammed in a snowbank. Minus the front tire (popped) and trunk door (dented), we came out just fine. And on our way back, we found that crash spot to document this day. Pictures, Quyen?

*Okay, so we're all addicted to this phrase, and the ingenious show it comes from. I'm assuming this phrase, like "That's what she said", will soon tire out. In the mean time, get ready for more HIMYM allusions.

1 comment:

Pai said...

I wish I understood most of these allusions